Keynotes & invited public lectures:
Keynote lecture: Colonial Bias of (Digitized) Natural History Collections, conference: Materials and spaces for biodiversity: digital histories of natural history collections, Villa Vigoni, Italy, 24 July 2024.
Invited public lecture: Schedels en vliegende draakjes: over de koloniale wortels van Nederlandse natuurhistorische collecties, Studium Generale Leiden University, 11 May 2023.
Keynote lecture: Research material on climate and meteorology in the Dutch East Indies, international mini workshop: Climate and Weather in Monsoon Asia, Tokyo, 9 March 2023.
Keynote lecture: Cultural Bias of (Digitized) Natural History Collections. Conference: DH Benelux 2022, June 1-3, 2022, Luxembourg,
Keynote lecture: Natural Historical Archives as Digital Challenge and Opportunity. Conference: Digital Past organized by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, February 6-8, 2018, Aberystwyth.
Invited talk: Artificial intelligence and digitized natural history collections, Conference: Rethinking Culture and Science Developments, National Library Frankfurt, 7 October 2020 (recording).
Invited public lecture: Yogyakarta, 2018: History of Science and Technology in Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 16 October 2018.
Conference and workshop papers (chronological)
Amsterdam, 2024. "De digitale ontsluiting van de rekesten aan de Staten van Overijssel" together with Jos Mooijweer. Workshop: Seriële stemmen van gewone mensen. Rekesten als archiefbron, 6 March 2024.
Enschede, 2023. Introduction and wrap-up of international workshop "Mining Matters: Coloniality and Sustainable Technologies in Changing Climates", together with Sandra Calkins. Enschede, 27 and 28 November 2023.
- Tokyo, 2023. "Surveying climate, nature, and agriculture in Indonesia, 1800-1850". International Workshop on Climate, Water, Land and Life in Monsoon Asia, 7 March 2023.
Frankfurt, 2023. Conference paper: "Linking and Understanding Sources: Weather, Nature and Agriculture in the Netherlands East Indies, 1800 – 1850", 16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, ICHSEA 2023, 22 August 2023.
- Bristol, 2022. Conference paper: "Crocodiles of Empire: A Collection Ecology of False Gharials from Borneo", European Society for Environmental History conference 2022: Same planet, different worlds: environmental histories imagining anew, 7 July 2022.
Cambridge University (online), 2021. Colloquium presentation, (virtual), Cambridge University (Department of History and Philosophy of Science) on Governance of and by Paper: Natural History and the Dutch Empire in Southeast Asia, 1800-1850, 15 March 2021.
Virtual, 2020. Panelist, joint round table of the American History of Science Society (HSS) and the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) on The Future of Digital Humanities in the History of Science and Technology on 'Digital Humanities and the Future of Natural History', SHOT/HSS Virtual Forum, 8-10 October 2020.
Göttingen, 2019. Colloquium presentation, Göttingen University (Chair, Early Modern History: M. Füssel) on "Expertenwissen, Rohstoffkreisläufe und Chemie in den niederländischen Kolonien um 1800", 29 January 2019.
Amsterdam, 2018. Contribution to round table discussion in the context of the workshop Colonial Legacy of Dutch Natural History Collections, Amsterdam, Artis Library, 7 December, 2018.
Berne, 2017. Conference paper: Making Governance Work: Paper and Natural History in the Early Nineteenth Century Dutch Empire. Conference: Mapping the Territory: Exploring People and Nature, 1700-1830.
Utrecht, 2017. Colloquium presentation: Studying Empire’s Nature: Natural Historical Archives as Digital Challenge and Opportunity, Descartes Colloquium, Utrecht University.
Woudschoten, 2017. Conference paper: Science and the Dutch Empire in the Nineteenth Century: Natural Historical Collections as Digital Challenge and Opportunity, Bi-annual meeting of Dutch historians of Science (Woudschoten VII).
Leiden, 2017. Reinwardt en de vroege jaren van de tuin in Bogor, Hortus Botanicus Leiden, Hortus Wintercollege.
London, 2017. Natural Historical Archives as Digital Challenge and Opportunity, UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, London (together with Lambert Schomaker, ALICE U Groningen)
Enschede, 2017. Towards an Infrastructure for Illustrated Handwritten Archives, ITC Faculty (together with Lise Stork, LIACS U Leiden).
Schoonhoven, 2016. Over zilver essays en sjoemelende muntmeesters in Nederland en zijn voormalige koloniën, mini symposium "Zilver & Goud. De historie van edelmetalen", Zilvermuseum Schoonhoven.
Leiden, 2016. Studying Empire’s Nature: Natural Historical Archives as Digital Challenge and Opportunity, Cosmopolis seminar, Leiden University Institute for History.
Den Haag, 2016 (together with Lambert Schomaker, ALICE U Groningen). Automatische handschriftenherkenning in 19e eeuwse dagboeken als casus voor het MONK-systeem, Studiedag 'Googelen door archieven', Nationaal Archief.
Krakow, 2016. Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives, Digital Humanities 2016, Krakow (co-authored short paper).
Montreal, 2016. Making Governance Work: Paper in the Dutch Empire, 1790-1820. Winter speaker series 2016, Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill University.
Philadelphia, 2016. Natural Historical Archives as Digital Challenge, Glam Café at University of Pennsylvania (Kislak center).
Philadelphia, 2015. Making Money Circulate: Chemistry and ‘Governance’ in the Career of Coins in the Early 19th-Century Dutch Empire. Brown Bag Lecture. Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF).
Groningen, 2015. Making Governance Work: Paper in the Dutch Empire, 1790-1820. Seminar for the Center for Historical Studies.
Florence, 2014. Making Money Circulate: Chemistry and ‘Governance’ in the Career of Coins in the Early Nineteenth Century Dutch Empire, workshop of the international research network: Sites of Chemistry, 1760-1840.
Philadelphia, 2014. Governing Fluids. Chemistry and Empire in the Career of Hydrometers, 1800-1820. Chemical Reactions: Chemistry and Global History. Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF).
Boston, 2013. A Master of Paperwork: C.G.C. Reinwardt (1773-1854), Natural History and the Governance of the Dutch Empire in the East. History of Science Society (HSS), Annual meeting.
Uppsala, 2013 (together with Joppe van Driel): Backbones of Productivity, Fertilizer, Writing Paper and Ink in the Netherlands, 1780-1815, International Conference for the History of Chemistry.
Leuven, 2013. Searching for Surrogates: Paper and Ink in the Netherlands, 1780-1830, workshop of the international research network: Sites of Chemistry, 1760-1840.
Utrecht, 2013. Towards a History of Paperwork: Writing Paper in the Netherlands, 1780-1800. Descartes Colloquium.
London, 2012. Putting Accumulation in its Time and Place: Leiden and Batavia, c. 1820. Informal lunch lecture at the LSE, project: Useful and Reliable Knowledge in Global Histories of Material Progress in the East and the West (URKRW).
Den Haag, 2010. Forging New Connections: Adriaan David Cornets de Groot Junior (1804-1829) and the mapping of the Javanese language in the early nineteenth century, Najaarscongres KNHG ‘A new Dutch imperial History’.
Mumbai, 2010. Do Local Encounters Matter? The Life and Career of the Naturalist and Colonial Administrator C.G.C. Reinwardt (1773-1854), Second ENCOMPASS Conference on the topic: Monsoon Asia in the Age of Revolutions, 1780-1830. Changes of regime and their aftermath.
Amsterdam, 2009. Natural History in Dispute: Humboldtian Naturalists in the Netherlands Indies and their ‘Alternative reading’ of nature, 1815-1850. KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) symposium on the topic: ‘Alexander von Humboldt in Holland (1800-1900)’
Jakarta, 2008. The Dutch East Indies as “Contact Zone” for Natural-Historical Research, 1815-1850.Encompass Pilot Conference.
Hagen, 2008. Die wissenschaftliche Erschließung Niederländisch-Ostindiens im frühen 19. Jahrhundert – (deutsche) Naturforscher im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und kolonialer Expansion. Presentation at research colloquium, Prof. Reinhard Wendt, FernUniversität Hagen.
Oxford, 2008. Naturalists as Mediators of Knowledge in an Expanding Dutch Colonial Empire, 1815-1850. Three Societies Meeting: Connecting Disciplines.
Leiden, 2008. A kingdom and its ‘imagined’ colony? – The Malay Archipelago in the Eyes of the Naturalist C.G.C. Reinwardt (1773-1854). Workshop: Local Encounters and the Global Circulation of Knowledge, 1750-1850 at Leiden University.
Bamberg, 2008. Sprache als Werkzeug kolonialer Expansion: Die Erschließung des Javanischen am Beispiel Adriaan David Cornets de Groot (1804-1829). Annual Meeting of the German Society for Overseas History, Bamberg. Conference topic: Language barriers, linguistic contacts and cultural brokers in the history of Europe’s encounter with the extra-European world.