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For me teaching is an integral part of academic life. Over the last years, I have developed and taught BA, MA and PhD courses on the long-term historical development of science and technology, history of science in colonial and global context, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Dutch (colonial) history at the Universities of Twente and Leiden. From 2017 to 2019, I was course director of the international CuriousU Summer Course Technology & Society at the University of Twente.


Moreover, I have supervised >15 BA & MSc/MA theses on a broad range topics (see for detailed list of topics also here). I have also worked as temporary coordinator of a Leiden University based training program (ENCOMPASS) for BA- and MA-students from all over Asia in 2009 and 2011. From September 2020 to August 2024, I was scientific coordinator and developer of the PhD training program of the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC).


At the University of Twente, I teach or have co-taught in the following courses on BA and MSc level:


  1. Transformations of Knowledge in a Digital Age, 5EC - 2nd year of MSc programme Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society (=PSTS, course code 201800146), (2018-present) (lecturer and course-developer)
  2. History of Science and Technology, 5EC - 1st year of MSc programme Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society (=PSTS) (2019-present, lecturer)
  3. Technology and Social Order, 5EC - 1st year of MSc programme Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society (=PSTS) (2020-present) (lecturer and course developer)
  4. Responsible Futuring, 10EC - Transdisciplinary Master Insert, course code: 201900231 (2021-present)
  5. Masterlab - 2nd year of Master Programme Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society (=PSTS) (2019-2023) (lecturer, and course developer)
  6. HTHT Minor Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Change. (2016-2017)
  7. RESTS teaching: Chemical Engineering, BA students (2019-present)
  8. RESTS teaching: Reflection 1 for Creative Technology BA students (2017/2018).



On PhD level, I have co-developed 8 workshops and 5 international summer/winter schools from late 2019 until summer 2024. For a full list and detailed syllabi see the WTMC Series - On Teaching and Learning STS.



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